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Started by SleePy, Jul 31, 2008, 05:51 PM

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// Handles our errors.
function convert_error_hanlder($error_level, $error_string, $file, $line)
   // Our error_log
   $convert_error_log = dirname(__FILE__) . '/convert_error_log';

   // Open the file up for writing (with pointer at end).
   $fp = fopen($convert_error_log, 'a+');
   $error_string = '';

   // Can't open it!
   if (!$fp)
      $no_write_file = true;

   // Lets leave a paper trail.
   $backtace = debug_backtrace();
   // Generate a simple error message familer to PHP errors.
   $error_data = "\r" . $error_level % 255 == E_ERROR ? 'Error' : ($error_level % 255 == E_WARNING ? 'Warning' : 'Notice') . ': ' . $error_string, ' in ' . $file . ' on line ' . $line . "\r" . 'Backtrace report' . "\r" . '---';

   // Now loop through our backtrace for output.
   foreach ($backtace as $trail)
      foreach ($trail as $key => $value)
         if (!is_array($value))
            $error_data .= "\t " . $key . " (key): " . $value . "\r";
            $error_data .= "\t" . $key . " (key): " . "\r";
            foreach ($value as $vkey => $vvalue)
               $error_data .= "\t\t" . $vkey . " (key): " . $vvalue . "\r";

      // Add an extra return.
      $error_data .= "\r";

   // Send it out to the error log. Only if we can though.
   if (empty($no_write_file))
      fwrite($fp, $error_data);

   // Now send something to let the user know.
   echo $error_data;
No siggy! :D