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Started by SleePy, Oct 20, 2008, 02:01 AM

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// Format a block of code into a readable usable format.
function mod_format_php_code($data)
   global $context;

   // Convert all line endings to html returns.
   $data = preg_replace('~[\r]?\n~', "
", $data);

   // This part was borrowed from SMF. This is basically the code that handles formating the code bbc.
   $php_parts = preg_split('~(<\?php|\?>)~', $data, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
   for ($php_i = 0, $php_n = count($php_parts); $php_i < $php_n; $php_i++)
      // Do PHP code coloring?
      if ($php_parts[$php_i] != '&lt;?php')

      $php_string = '';
      while ($php_i + 1 < count($php_parts) && $php_parts[$php_i] != '?&gt;')
         $php_string .= $php_parts[$php_i];
         $php_parts[$php_i++] = '';
      $php_parts[$php_i] = highlight_php_code($php_string . $php_parts[$php_i]);

   // Fix the PHP code stuff...
   $data = str_replace("<pre style=\"display: inline;\">\t", "\t", implode('', $php_parts));

   // Older browsers are annoying, aren\'t they?
   if ($context['browser']['is_ie4'] || $context['browser']['is_ie5'] || $context['browser']['is_ie5.5'])
      $data = str_replace("\t", "<pre style=\"display: inline;\">\t", $data);
   elseif (!$context['browser']['is_gecko'])
      $data = str_replace("\t", "<span style=\"white-space: pre;\">\t</span>", $data);
   else if (!$context['browser']['is_firefox'])
      $data = str_replace("\t", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", $data);

   // Firefox doesn't understand line breaks in <code> tags very well.
   if ($context['browser']['is_firefox'])
      return '<pre language="php" class="php_code">' . $data . '';
   return '<code>' . $data . '</code>';
No siggy! :D


// Format code properly for the code box.
function mod_format_php_code($data)
   global $context;

   // Convert all line endings to html returns.
   // !!! Expect for opera which has a fit about it.
   if (!$context['browser']['is_opera'])
      $data = preg_replace('~[\r]?\n~', "
", $data);

   // Older browsers are annoying, aren\'t they?
   if ($context['browser']['is_ie4'] || $context['browser']['is_ie5'] || $context['browser']['is_ie5.5'])
      $data = str_replace("\t", "<pre style=\"display: inline;\">\t", $data);
   elseif (!$context['browser']['is_gecko'])
      $data = str_replace("\t", "<span style=\"white-space: pre;\">\t</span>", $data);
   else if (!$context['browser']['is_firefox'])
      $data = str_replace("\t", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", $data);
   // Firefox doesn't understand line breaks in <code> tags very well.
   elseif ($context['browser']['is_firefox'])
      return '<pre language="php" class="php_code">' . $data . '';

   return '<code>' . $data . '</code>';
No siggy! :D