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Special Site & Other Boards => PasteBin => Topic started by: JayBachatero on Jan 12, 2008, 07:09 AM

Title: Paste-1200121785:v:use_geshi-1:v:type-php
Post by: JayBachatero on Jan 12, 2008, 07:09 AM
function mergePosts($msgs = array(), $from_topic, $target_topic = 0, $from_board = 0, $target_board = 0)
   global $context, $db_prefix, $smfFunc, $modSettings;

   // Is it an array?
   if (!is_array($msgs))
      $msgs = array($msgs);

   // Lets make sure they are int.
   foreach ($msgs as $key => $msg)
      $msgs[$key] = (int) $msg;

   // Time to move them.
   $smfFunc['db_query']('', "
      UPDATE {$db_prefix}messages
         id_topic = $target_topic,
         id_board = $target_board,
         icon = 'xx'
      WHERE id_msg IN(" . implode(',', $msgs) . ")", __FILE__, __LINE__);

   // Fix the id_first_msg and id_last_msg for the target topic.
   $request = $smfFunc['db_query']('', "
      SELECT MIN(id_msg) AS id_first_msg, MAX(id_msg) AS id_last_msg, COUNT(*) -1 AS num_replies
      FROM {$db_prefix}messages
      WHERE id_topic = $target_topic
         AND approved = 1
      GROUP BY id_topic", __FILE__, __LINE__);
   list ($id_first_msg, $id_last_msg, $num_replies) = $smfFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);

   // We need to see how many of the new posts are unapproved.
   $request = $smfFunc['db_query']('', "
      FROM {$db_prefix}messages
      WHERE approved = 0
         AND id_msg IN(" . implode(',', $msgs) . ")", __FILE__, __LINE__);
   list ($new_unapproved_posts) = $smfFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);

   // Update the topic details.
   $smfFunc['db_query']('', "
      UPDATE {$db_prefix}topics
         id_first_msg = $id_first_msg,
         id_last_msg = $id_last_msg,
         num_replies = $num_replies,
         unapproved_posts = unapproved_posts + $new_unapproved_posts
      WHERE id_topic = $target_topic", __FILE__, __LINE__);

   // New approved posts.
   //$new_approved_posts = count($msgs) - $new_unapproved_posts;

   // We have a new post count for the board.
   $smfFunc['db_query']('', "
      UPDATE {$db_prefix}boards
         num_posts = num_posts + $num_replies,
         unapproved_posts = unapproved_posts + $new_unapproved_posts
      WHERE id_board = $target_board", __FILE__, __LINE__);

   // In some cases we merged the only post in a topic so the topic data is left behind in the topic table.
   $request = $smfFunc['db_query']('', "
      SELECT id_topic
      FROM {$db_prefix}messages
      WHERE id_topic = $from_topic", __FILE__, __LINE__);
   $topic_exists = true;
   if ($smfFunc['db_num_rows']($request) == 0)
      removeTopics($from_topic, false, true);
      $topic_exists = false;

   // Recycled topic.
   if ($topic_exists == true)
      // Fix the id_first_msg and id_last_msg for the target topic.
      $request = $smfFunc['db_query']('', "
         SELECT MIN(id_msg) AS id_first_msg, MAX(id_msg) AS id_last_msg, COUNT(*) -1 AS num_replies
         FROM {$db_prefix}messages
         WHERE id_topic = $from_topic
            AND approved = 1
         GROUP BY id_topic", __FILE__, __LINE__);
      list ($id_first_msg, $id_last_msg, $num_replies) = $smfFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);

      // We need to see how many of the new posts are unapproved.
      $request = $smfFunc['db_query']('', "
         SELECT COUNT(*)
         FROM {$db_prefix}messages
         WHERE approved = 0
            AND id_topic = $from_topic", __FILE__, __LINE__);
      list ($new_unapproved_posts) = $smfFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);

      // Update the topic details.
      $smfFunc['db_query']('', "
         UPDATE {$db_prefix}topics
            id_first_msg = $id_first_msg,
            id_last_msg = $id_last_msg,
            num_replies = $num_replies,
            unapproved_posts = unapproved_posts + $new_unapproved_posts
         WHERE id_topic = $from_topic", __FILE__, __LINE__);

      // We have a new post count for the board.
      $smfFunc['db_query']('', "
         UPDATE {$db_prefix}boards
            num_posts = num_posts + $num_replies,
            unapproved_posts = unapproved_posts + $new_unapproved_posts
         WHERE id_board = $from_board", __FILE__, __LINE__);