
Please note these forums are mostly a testing ground for my SMF work and I don't really use them otherwise.

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Started by SleePy, Jun 18, 2009, 06:12 PM

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$helptxt['custom_mask'] = 'The input mask is important for your forums security. Validating the input from a user can help ensure that data is not used in a way in which you do not expect it. We have provided some simple regular expressions as hints.

   <span class="smalltext">
      &nbsp;&nbsp;"[A-Za-z]+" - Match all upper and lower case alphabet characters.

      &nbsp;&nbsp;"[0-9]+" - Match all numeric characters.

      &nbsp;&nbsp;"[A-Za-z0-9]{7}" - Match all upper and loser case alphabet and numeric characters seven times.


   Additionally, ?+* and {xx} mean how much to match of the expression.
   <span class="smalltext">
      &nbsp;&nbsp;? - None or one match of previous expression.

      &nbsp;&nbsp;+ - One or more of previous expression.

      &nbsp;&nbsp;* - None or more of previous expression.e

      &nbsp;&nbsp;{xx} - An exact number from previous expression.

      &nbsp;&nbsp;{xx,} - An exact number or more from previous expression.

      &nbsp;&nbsp;{,xx} - An exact number or less from previous expression.

      &nbsp;&nbsp;{xx,yy} - An exact match between the two numbers from previous expression.

No siggy! :D